
Showing posts from 2018

I've told you so...

"It was a perfect day till my little brother barged into my room for no reason." I mumbled to myself. "Thank goodness he did not find out about them." I said to myself with a relief. The song 'Juliette' was playing on my worn out, faded MP3. The rubbers on my earplugs are almost tearing. Well, I don't actually care. As I was doing my homework, I overheard my brother's conversation with my mum on the other side of the wall. "Mum, I'm not lying! She's really got something going on!" he pleaded. "Ivan, please don't doubt your sister. What can she probably do?" my mum replied. Then suddenly, it was quiet - too quiet. So I peeped outside and no one was there." Maybe they made up?" I thought. So, I continued to do my homework. Three are too much of homework. I sighed, hoping that I could take a break. Light beams brighten my room randomly. I stared at my bed, wondering away. A knock on the door broke t...


[THINGS I NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT: GOALS & GOLDS] You must be thinking, “She must want all the gold in the world - that is why she is working so hard. All the glam, glory and fortune,” without doubt, they say. But have you ever wondered what exactly is she after? What is that “gold” that she is trying to reach? There is no way that we will leave out the basic necessities but aren’t we all forgetting something? Are we all chasing after the right things or not chasing anything at  all? Are we doing enough? Am I doing enough? These thoughts linger and live inside the crevices of my brain folding and there isn’t a single day that I would leave them at the back of my mind – I just cannot. There has got to be something that I can contribute in this space and time, even when I am all I have. I know I am not God, things will not turnover with a snap of a finger. Nevertheless, believing is what kept me going all these years, of having faith that we are strong and capable of ...


[THINGS I NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE MIND, HEART & CHOICES] You know people say that everything is in the state of mind? That everything begins with a thought? Well, they are right. But you will not be able to fathom this idea until you have experienced it yourself. This crucial practice can affect the flow of your daily lives; which includes your religious beliefs, political views or even how you answer your mum when she says something unfitting to your liking. We are talking about how you perceive and conceive realistic happenings, how your mind processes those thoughts and you reacting to it. Not every bad incident is bad and not every good is good for you – you have to be very clear on that. Poor heart conditions play along with our thoughts. When our hearts choose to see things through that lens of negativity and darkness, you know how it would look like. If you choose to live your life in despair, despair it shall be. Start extracting the good f...