Seven Wondrous Years
“Hey, what
are you doing here in KGV?”
“Eh, what
is so special about this school anyway?”
These are the questions I have received countlessly
which stunts me every time, not knowing how to reply them. The terrifying moments
when I try to come up with satisfying cliché answers to put a full stop to the
The thought of being a part of the school
was already a dream come true when the offer letter was handed to me after a
long wait of three months. Being aware that SMK King George V is one of the
exemplary schools in the state had me on the hook. I still remember the first
time I set foot in this prestigious school, 29th March 2008. My
entire body was soaked with the feeling of being a part of the royalty, red carpet
laid in front of you with little puffs of clouds lifting me up to cloud nine -
such shameful imaginations I have. I was greeted by the Senior Assistant of
Student Affairs then, En. Abd. Hadi bin Mohd Yusof with a warm smile, a man
well-known for his leniency. 1 Abu Bakar was the class of my choice as it was
the only class that offers French language lessons. I skipped merrily just like
any other 13-year-old to my class. On the way up to the third floor of Block G,
friendly faces which welcomed me took me a couple of minutes to reply them
before being rushed to my class.
“1 Abu
Bakar, this is it,” fixed my hair and drew a wide awkward smile on my
face-let’s go!
“Hi, I am
En. Saat,” greeted a Chinese-looking Malay man as he turned away from the black
board with chalk dust on his fingers.
I only
managed to introduce myself during the fire drill not long after I settled my
school bag on my new seat in class. As soon as we returned to our classroom, a
petit boy from the same room, Ahmad Haziq surprised me when he asked me, “Nama
you Khairi eh?
It was
indeed relieving to know that I have friendly classmates and it is hilarious to
know that a couple of Malay boys mistook me as a Malay girl over the years with
the white baju kurung I wear every day. Things are constantly interesting here
in KGV, from the last minute homework completing to those horrifying moments
when the result slips are passed around, not forgetting the tons of
ground-breaking noise manufactured by us. Three years of being an Abu Bakarian (that
is what we call ourselves) was my prime time. I saw my friends grew from petit,
young lads to well-built young adults who grew so fast over a period of three
years. Terms flew by, the file containing result slips got thicker and thicker
and finally, PMR has arrived. The long awaited countdown has ended, leaving me
with trembling hands and imaginary butterflies attacking the inner walls of my
One of the unique features of being a
citizen here in SMK KGV is the Majlis Redha Ilmu organized by the counselling
panel and the administration held in Dewan Seri Setia every time before our
major examinations. Many of us have always think of the programme as a waste of
time. But we were wrong, I was wrong. Such a significant programme it was that
has kept me going from 2008 till today. It may seem small but sometimes a
little bit of these goes a long way- a time to seek for forgiveness and
blessings from the people you have acquainted, respected and cared for.
2011 was the year, the year I discovered a
part of myself which I had been too timid to reveal. As soon as my prefect
application form was accepted, it was time to get serious. It was a huge
responsibility as Assistant Head of the D-Kad Exco especially with the
supervision of the one and only Mr. Shangar. No one can ever escape from his
influential grasp. One of the most thrilling times of being a part of Bumi
Bertuah SMK KGV (BBSMKKGV) are the opportunities to meet and escort representatives
and directors of the Ministry of Education and foreign students. The most
remarkable thing that has ever happened to KGV was being selected as a filming
scene for a famous local drama series “Lagenda Budak Setan” starring Farid
Kamil! (I even got his autograph!)
Throughout my seven years of education in KGV, another thing I have never failed to devour is the deep fried ikan
keli (a.k.a. catfish) served with warm white rice. The addiction I have
for this simple plate of goodness is just bizarre. Let’s not forget the mak cik
and pak cik who provide us with a variety types of cuisine in the menu, the
cleaner aunties and uncles whom greets us every day despite their exhausting
job scope. This is a place lighted up with beautiful people you can never find
anywhere else. A new level of priorities and responsibilities has arisen. As
the President of the French Language Society then, there was much to do
especially with the running of the International Costume competition or ICC as
abbreviated and conducted by my dear friends, Nur Athirah Nordin, Bhaeravii a/p Pasupathy and myself. Alongside with my responsibilities as a
student, the struggles were excruciating yet sweet because those were the
efforts made to achieve a string of As in SPM. Another highlight of KGV are the
multiple annual programmes carried out like the Independence Day celebration.
The celebration here in our school is beyond your wildest imaginations where
various shades of colours from the traditional clothes flood the surface of the
Dataran Anugerah with the flag of our respected country soaring high in the
You can never see a day where we are apart
nor can you see prejudice among races. KGV has really broaden my perspective
towards integration among races and people of different beliefs. We can all
unite as one, without minding the divergence between us. As soon as I thought
that I will be leaving this place in 2012, I was already stepping in the
Pre-University life in the same institution. A gush of emotions got hold of my
heart as I walked through the main gate in mid-2013. My strong bonds with the
school flow slyly to the bottom of my black canvas shoes extending thin cables
and rooted on the grounds of SMK KGV - I knew I was destined to stay.
I have to admit that Pre-University life in
KGV was a roller coaster ride with its never ending hours of studying and constant
amount of stress loaded in me. As President of the Pre-U Student Council of
2013/2014, I have not only learned to be a good leader to the community of
Pre-U but also a leader to myself. The uphill battle was indeed tough but it
was worthwhile as I have enjoyed myself throughout. SMK KGV has indirectly
invested a great amount to maintain and to uplift the performance of their
students. Not only giving focus on the academics, but also the development of
each and every one of us physically, mentally and emotionally. From Soft Skill
lessons personally conducted by our dear principal, Tuan Haji Mohd bin Md Isa, to minute programmes like singing competitions and of course, feasts!
Never did I know that I have spent most of my teenage life in such a phenomenal
place, a school of my own - SMK KGV. This is the place where I learnt, gained,
lost and most of all, grew. There were tiny bumps and hurdles, but I have not
forgotten the fireworks and confetti along the way. It has been an incredible
Now, have I answered your question?
2008 - 1 Abu Bakar
2009 - 2 Abu Bakar
2010 - 3 Abu Bakar
2011- 4 Abu Bakar
2012 - 5 Iskandar
2013/14 - 6 Izzuddin
Thank you for seven wondrous years.
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